Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Back in Brat

Only two weeks today until i race at the World Champs! Very exciting. So i have been back in Bratislava training now for over a week. We have two Slovakian coaches Jana and Jergus coaching some of the New Zealand team. I have found it very beneficial having someone to give me feedback, set courses and different combinations of gates to try and someone to video me and then review the video after the session. Their english is getting better too which is a bonus. I feel i have improved since i got here and it has been great using my own boat. It turns so good. However there are a few more scratches than i would like and two cracks one of them has been fixed and the other one might have to wait for Dad when i get home. But i reckon you're not trying hard enough if your boat doesn't get a few scratchs...

The course has a drop at the bottom that the coaches call Niagara this is where i cracked the tail of my boat so i have been working on getting the gates in there better. Its such a good course i am loving training here everyday. The days have been getting super hot we have had fantastic sunny weather and today the temperature got up to 40 degrees!! Luckily we have sessions early in the morning and late in the evening which helps to avoid the heat. Although today we had a rest day so walked up to the Bratislava castle and around town. This was extremely HOT! I then had a chocolate chilli flavoured ice cream to cool down.

We have found some really nice places around town, we had dinner down at the river front the other night with some of the teams parents. There are bean bags on the grass and lots of people just hanging out. We also had a New Zealand team dinner so that was good to see everyone. On our walk home we saw this guy in the street floating i really want to know how he does it now.

                                                             Photos by Ben Gibb

                                                               Bratislava Hrad Castle

Photos by Paul Roozendaal


                                                           Photos by Aaron Osbourne

                                                       Wheres wally....oh i mean Nikki

The sessions are getting much more crowded now and unfortunately we have the same time slot as the chinese there are so many of them and they just seem to pull out in front you constantly this get a bit frustrating but we haven't had any really bad carnage yet. Well i better go now full runs in the morning and we're leavin at 6.30am.

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